What to Expect during Treatment with Dental Implants

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants can give you a stronger, more stable smile and provide long-lasting benefits. However, depending on your needs, the dental implants timeline can stretch over several months.

At Adel Dental Associates, Dr. Michael McCartney performs all stages of implant treatment at his office, including bone grafting and implant placement. He can provide you with a personalized timeline during an appointment at our Adel, GA, office. 

Implant Recovery Timeline

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Your Initial Consultation

The first step is to schedule an appointment with Dr. McCartney. During this consultation, he will examine your remaining teeth, gums, and the other supporting structures of your smile to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. We will also take scans and x-rays to view the tissue in your jawbone, as well as the position of your sinuses and nerves. 

Based on the results of these assessments and a discussion about your needs and goals, Dr. McCartney can design a customized treatment plan. Using this outline, we can also provide a cost estimate so that you can determine whether the plan works with your budget. 


It is important to be in good oral health before receiving dental implants. If you have oral health concerns, such as gum disease or tooth decay, Dr. McCartney will address these first. 

Depending on your needs, Dr. McCartney may recommend:

  • Bone grafting to rebuild lost jawbone tissue
  • A sinus lift to create space for implants in the upper jaw
  • Periodontal treatment to address gum disease
  • Fillings or restorations to repair tooth decay
  • Tooth extractions for severely damaged or decayed teeth

Each of these procedures has a distinct healing time and may add weeks or months to your dental implants timeline. For example, patients who receive a sinus lift may need four to nine months to heal before implants can be placed. In contrast, implants can often be placed on the same days as an extraction to streamline treatment. 

Implant Placement Surgery

Once you have fully healed from any preparatory procedures, Dr. McCartney can place your dental implants at our office. We can discuss your sedation options with you before the surgery. During the procedure, Dr. McCartney will create small incisions and embed the implant posts into your jawbone. 

Implant-supported restorations look, feel, and function just like natural teeth so that you can enjoy your normal life while feeling confident in your smile.

The length of your surgery will depend on how many implants you need. For a single missing tooth, Dr. McCartney only needs to place a single implant, while replacing a full arch of teeth may require up to eight implants. We also offer the innovative All-on-4® implant method which uses four precisely placed post to support a full denture. 

Recovering after Implant Placement

Once placed, implants go through a biological process known as osseointegration in which they fuse with the surrounding bone tissue. Generally, this process takes between three and six months. However, Dr. McCartney can attach a temporary restoration to your implants so you can still chew, speak, and smile properly during this time. 

Final Steps

Once your implants have fully integrated into your jawbone, Dr. McCartney will attach small connectors, called abutments, to the posts. Then, we can take impressions of your smile to craft your crown, bridge, or denture. When your restoration is ready, he can connect it to the abutments for a fully restored smile. 

Learn More Today

Implant-supported restorations look, feel, and function just like natural teeth so that you can enjoy your normal life while feeling confident in your smile. If you are interested in learning more about treatment with dental implants, schedule an initial consultation by contacting us online or calling (229) 896-7679 today.

Dr. Michael McCartney headshot

Adel Dental Associates

Dr. Michael McCartney Jr. opened Adel Dental Associates back in 1995 to provide a comfortable, welcoming place for patients to receive high-quality dental care. We are affiliated with several trusted professional organizations including:

  • Academy of General Dentistry
  • American Dental Association
  • Georgia Dental Association
  • Southwestern District Dental Association
  • Pierre Fauchard Academy

Contact our Adel, GA, dental office today to get started on your treatment. You can reach us online or by calling (229) 896-7679.

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